Kamis, 01 Desember 2011

3D Game Textures, Second Edition: Create Professional Game Art Using Photoshop

Price: $35.12
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Product Description

Finally the eagerly-awaited next edition of Luke Ahearn's cornerstone game art book: 3D Game Textures is on its way. The book will be refreshed per the latest revision of Photoshop and the latest game industry trends and developments. 3D Game Textures allows next-gen game artists to learn to create everything from bricks to books in Photoshop with this step-by-step instructional guide. Because texture is 99% of what a gamer sees when playing, this topic deserves considerable coverage but has gotten little attention. Unlike anything on the market, this book concentrates soley on texturing, and provides an in-depth guide to game texturing with hundreds of high-quality examples. Game artists learn all they need to know on the topic, including basic artistic principles, tools and techniques, and specific step-by-step tutorials that explain how to create textures for myriad environments.

New Coverage of the latest version of Photoshop, including adding multiple ed! ge tiling; adding Photoshop Bridge coverage;  an updated metal tutorial and adding coverage of urban exteriors. Included in the second edition is a new chapter and an advanced project, featureing a large outdoor urban area - war torn city. Great amount of work on detailed textures (overlays and advanced blending in PS) that utilize many shaders. This environment will look roughly like Battlefield 2 or more recently Call of Duty 4. The scene will include effects as well - smoke and bullet holes. Grass, trees, curtains, signs, and more.  The DVD includes: demo versions of relevant software as well as resource images.

* Learn everything you need to create stunning, professional textures from one easy to follow guide which features tutorials and over 500 high-quality images
* Follow the step-by-step tutorials to learn how to create suitable images which you can add to your portfolio and WOW prospective e! mployers
* Companion CD includes sample textures, Photoshop! actions and brushes, and electronic versions of images you saw in the book - all the tools you need in one place!
* Hit the ground running or get a leg up on the competition with the tips, tricks, and real world examples featured in this comprehensive guide

Product Details

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #593865 in Books
  • Published on: 2009-06-10
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: .2 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 419 pages
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